
Coaching a Scrum Team

(picture source: www.tuleap.org)

Welcome to my new post. 

Today I want to share with you some perspective about how to use "Onthological Coching" questions to support a Scrum Team. This is a good example about how much has to do the "Coaching" discipline with the "Scrum Master" and/or "Agile Coach" roles. 

Long story short, I will share with you some "model quesions" to each Scrum Event. 



Keep safe and healthy. 

  • Refinement 
    • Are we ready for planning? 
    • Do we see impediments or dependencies on the way?
  • Sprint Planning 
    • What do you want to achieve in this Sprint? 
    • What is our Commitment? 
    • What's Sprint Goal and/or Purpose?
  • Daily
    • What is happening? 
    • What is holding us back from performing? 
    • What's our progress toward Sprint Goal?
  • Sprint Review 
    • What is the delivered Value? 
    • What did End Users won? 
    • What represents Delivered Quality?
  • Retrospective 
    • What you want to change?  
    • What did you learn from this experience? 
    • What's your new discovery? 
    • Given "x" problem: What can we do about?
    • What change looks difficult or impossible? 
    • What is preventing us to reach more optimized performance? 
    • What if...?